




The software Whistleblowing is the IT tool made available to the Reporters and the Whistleblowing Supervisor of Public Institutions or Private Companies that allows to oversee the reports of violations. 
The figures involved are:
• Whistleblower: Employee, supplier or another profile with useful information concerning the reported violation.
• Supervisor: Subject who oversees the report: OB (Oversight Board), Compliance, Ethics Committee, etc.
• Collaborator: Subject who supports the activity of the Supervisor, appointed by the Supervisor itself.
In this context the Reporter or Whistleblower can:
• Get access to the system with two confidential and safe procedures:
• Reserved: by registering to the system in order to send a nominative report without endangering the confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity;
• Anonymous: by sending a report without registration and identification (this option may not be active by choice of the institution)
• Insert the reports through an easy and intuitive procedure;
• Follow the report and keep track of the progress;
• Exchange messages with the Supervisor (viewable exclusively by the Supervisor and the Whistleblower);
• Exchange messages with the Collaborator (viewable exclusively by the Supervisor, the Whistleblower and the Collaborator concerned)
• Receive a response to your report and messages, via email.

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To insert a new report it is necessary to log into the reserved are and to click on the "New Report" tab.

To insert a new report it is required to fill some mandatory fields (marked with a red asterisk). It is also possible to insert one or more attachments.

Please note that the report does not show the identity of the whistleblower, however they still can be identified through a registered procedure; the only persons authorized to display it (prior valid reason) are the Oversight Board or the Supervisor 

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